Online Streaming Live

Online Streaming Live to your phone, laptop or desktop. Wherever you are, we can be too.

Duration: 30, 45 or 60 minutes.

It's the perfect solution when you are traveling, are on holiday, move from New York and want to remain part of our fit community.

We design online streaming live workouts for clients who need the flexibility of staying home, traveling for work and include clients from all over the world including New Zealand, England, Sierra Leonne as well as all over the USA


Drop-in: $20

Intro Package - 5 classes (learn more): $80

Ready to Commit - 10 Classes (learn more): $185

Ready to Commit - 15 Classes (learn more): $260

Ready to Commit - 20 Classes (learn more): $330

Ready to Commit - 25 Classes (learn more): $405